by Pamela Toomey
Bar Jim Crow, straw man, scarecrow, gun-cocked foe Of decency. White sheets sparking friction, Spiked eye holes, self-blind echoing ego. Grim lynchpin reaper rapping out veto In unvoiced filibuster infliction. Ban Jim Crow, straw man, scarecrow, gun-cocked foe Back to bust tied neck-and-neck Senate, so Fake news, new noose: knee-to-neck constriction. From choke holds, self-blind echoing ego Fashions new noose: necktie, flush dough Surging special interest predilection. Bar Jim Crow, straw man, scarecrow, gun-cocked foe. From dark money spigots, sheeted bigots flow: Spiked water…air…gun, voter restriction. No holds barred, self-blind echoing ego Rages before justice, ethics, fair show. Grant sacred, aching grace jurisdiction; Ban Jim Crow, straw man, scarecrow, gun-cocked foe; Stitch us whole. Make FOR THE PEOPLE ACT a go!